Doula Support for families in West Central Indiana - Greater Lafayette, Indianapolis, & Beyond

“I am so grateful to have had Courtney as our doula! Her calm demeanor, expertise, and compassionate support helped me stay relaxed throughout labor and delivery. She is an excellent encourager and her familiarity with birth helped everything go smoothly as we welcomed our baby into the world. She is a blessing!”

~ Rachel, Winter 2024 Client

“During labor, Bethany was continuously so kind and encouraging plus very hard working! The hip squeezes were a saving grace! She anticipated what I would need and suggested different positions. Transition was so hard but just hearing that she KNEW I could do it made it that much easier. Bethany supported me when the nurse was asking me something I didn’t want to do. I could just feel her passion for mamas and babies throughout the entire experience. I wish everyone could have a doula like Bethany! She’s a big reason why I love my birth story. She was extremely knowledgeable, smiley, wonderful, supportive, funny, insightful, and loving.”

~ Audrey, Winter 2024 Client

(all photos on website credit:, and

Bethany Dickinson

Courtney Newton

Providing compassionate doula care to all birthing women in Lafayette, West Lafayette, Zionsville, Whitestown, Carmel, Indianapolis, & the West Central Indiana region.
